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St James, Tidwells

St. James at Tidwells grew out of Boyce Mission, which was in existence in 1907, and Edgewater Mission.  St. James was there by 1914.  At that time, and for many years thereafter, roads in and out of Machodoc Neck were nearly impassible in bad weather, and a journey to Nomini would have been arduous, necessitating a local place of worship.  Initially St. James served the watermen’s communities in the area.  Ironically the church was only 1.25 miles from the old Cople Parish Glebe (clergy residence) of the early 18th Century.
From humble beginnings, St. James, in the late 20th Century, received a spurt of growth from talented, influential parishioners moving in nearby.  The building was very tastefully renovated a few years ago and plays a vital role in the parish today.

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